I want to welcome everyone visiting the website for the first time. I created the website myself over the past several weeks, and it's been quite the learning curve but I think it's coming along nicely. I might be tweaking things often for the first few months as I get a feel for the software, but please reach out if there is anything awry that isn't working properly so we can address it.
I've also had to brush up on my photography skills, my goal is to make the images as close as possible to the coin in hand, and I believe I've done a good job of that with the coins currently listed. Most of these are curated from my own personal collection, but we are eager to find more inventory of this quality and we pay well, so please let us know if there's anything you'd like to sell.
I'm looking forward to offering some more early gold, pioneer, and early federal and seated material. As most of you know, I've typically been gold-only for my collection, but I love choice silver type with original surfaces and the principles of picking the right coins are generally the same. I hope to offer a lot more silver, and even some copper in the near future.
Please make sure to subscribe to the mailing list, we will send emails for new purchases in a structured way, but I haven't quite figured out what that structure will be yet. It will depend on how much material I can buy on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Let us know if you are interested in consigning something, we're happy to work something out and try to get you the best numbers for your coins.
I will not be at Long Beach, my next scheduled shows are Summer Fun and ANA in Chicago. See you then!